开议 (開議) kāiyì
to hold a (business) meeting; to start negotiations
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
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Notes: (CC-CEDICT '開議')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Volume 11: Fo Guang Studies - Class 20: Memories of some of Fo Guang Shan's Major Events 第十一冊 佛光學 第二十課 佛光山大事記 Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》 — count: 2
- Volume 11: Fo Guang Studies - Class 11: Understanding Humanistic Buddhism through Fo Guang Shan 第十一冊 佛光學 第十一課 從佛光山認識人間佛教 Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》 — count: 2
- Lecture 18: Repentance and Buddhist Services 第十八講.經懺佛事 One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 3: Activities at Places of Practice 《僧事百講3-道場行事》 — count: 1
- Hsing Yun Diary 22 - Opening the Door to the Mind: Balanced Compassion 星雲日記22~打開心門 平等的慈悲(1993/3/1~1993/3/15) Hsing Yun Diary (1993/1-1994/8) 《星雲日記(1993/1~1994/8)》 — count: 1
- Chapter 10: The Causes and Conditions of My Speeches Propogating the Dharma 【十說】我弘講的因緣 Hear Me Out: Messages from a Humble Monk 《貧僧有話要說》 — count: 1
- 1990 Letter for Spring Festival 1990年新春告白 Letters for Spring Festival (A Letter to Dharma Friends) 《新春告白(致護法朋友們的一封信)》 — count: 1
- Buddhism and Life 佛教與人生 Buddhism Series 8 - Use of the Teachings 《佛教叢書8-教用》 — count: 1
- Buddha's Light Newsletter - Humanizing the Dharma 佛光世紀的來臨 佛法人間化 Humanistic Buddhism Selected Letters 《人間佛教書信選》 — count: 1
- Chapter 4: Reserve some Space - The Fire of War 卷四 預留空間 戰火 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 7 - A Footprint with Every Step 《人間萬事7-一步一腳印》 — count: 1
- 4. Life Ceremonies - Introduction 肆、人生禮儀篇 前言 Buddhism Series 7 - Organization and Ceremonies 《佛教叢書7-儀制》 — count: 1
- 新春开议 (新春開議) 應邀為美國議會新春開議舉行灑淨 — Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》, Volume 11: Fo Guang Studies - Class 11: Understanding Humanistic Buddhism through Fo Guang Shan 第十一冊 佛光學 第十一課 從佛光山認識人間佛教 — count: 3
- 主持开议 (主持開議) 主持開議灑淨儀式 — Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》, Volume 11: Fo Guang Studies - Class 11: Understanding Humanistic Buddhism through Fo Guang Shan 第十一冊 佛光學 第十一課 從佛光山認識人間佛教 — count: 3
- 开议洒净 (開議灑淨) 主持新年度開議灑淨法會 — Letters for Spring Festival (A Letter to Dharma Friends) 《新春告白(致護法朋友們的一封信)》, 1990 Letter for Spring Festival 1990年新春告白 — count: 3
- 度开议 (度開議) 主持新年度開議灑淨法會 — Letters for Spring Festival (A Letter to Dharma Friends) 《新春告白(致護法朋友們的一封信)》, 1990 Letter for Spring Festival 1990年新春告白 — count: 2
- 议会开议 (議會開議) 我也曾應邀為美國加州議會開議主持誦經祈福 — Hsing Yun Diary (1993/1-1994/8) 《星雲日記(1993/1~1994/8)》, Hsing Yun Diary 22 - Opening the Door to the Mind: Balanced Compassion 星雲日記22~打開心門 平等的慈悲(1993/3/1~1993/3/15) — count: 2