哺育 bǔyù
to feed; to nurture; to foster
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
, Subdomain: Food and Drink
, Concept:
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Esoteric School - 2. The Canonical Foundation of the Esoteric School 密宗 貳、密宗的經典依據 Buddhism Series 6 - Schools 《佛教叢書6-宗派》 — count: 2
- A Buddhist View of Loyalty 佛教的忠孝觀 Humanistic Buddhism Series 2 - Life and Society 《人間佛教系列2-人生與社會》 — count: 2
- Embracing Nature: Ecology from a Buddhist Perspective (1) 佛教與自然生態(上) Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》 — count: 1
- Buddhism and the Flowers of Causes and Conditions 佛教與花的因緣 Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》 — count: 1
- The View of Humanistic Buddhism Towards Some Problems - 6 A Buddhist View of Loyalty (Speech in Peikang) 人間佛教對一些問題的看法 第六篇 佛教的忠孝觀(講於北港) Buddhism Series 10 - Humanistic Buddhism 《佛教叢書10-人間佛教》 — count: 1
- Scroll 1: A Happy Life - Poor and Rich, Noble and Lowly 卷一 快樂的生活 貧富貴賤 Hsing Yun Dharma Words 10 - The Human World is Filled with Joy 《星雲法語10-歡喜滿人間》 — count: 1
- The Human Warmth of Humanistic Buddhism - 1 人間佛教的人情味 之一 Buddhism Series 10 - Humanistic Buddhism 《佛教叢書10-人間佛教》 — count: 1
- Hands 手 Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 10 - Management Trilogy 《迷悟之間(十)管理三部曲》 — count: 1
- All appearances are false; the true appearance of the Tathagata - Part 5 [Lecture] 諸相非如來實相第五 【講話】 Lectures on the Diamond Sutra 《金剛經講話》 — count: 1
- Do not Become a Dolphin 不要做海豚 Hundred Sayings 1 - Perfectly Willing 《往事百語1-心甘情願》 — count: 1
- 大悲哺育 (大悲哺育) 須由大悲哺育 — Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》, Volume 5: Introduction to Schools - Class 11: Esoteric School 第五冊 宗派概論 第十一課 真言宗 — count: 3
- 哺育人类 (哺育人類) 花草樹木不只哺育人類和其他動物 — Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》, Embracing Nature: Ecology from a Buddhist Perspective (1) 佛教與自然生態(上) — count: 2
- 哺育褓 (哺育褓) 一來不要忘記父母從前哺育褓抱的恩澤 — Humanistic Buddhism Series 2 - Life and Society 《人間佛教系列2-人生與社會》, A Buddhist View of Loyalty 佛教的忠孝觀 — count: 2