无语 (無語) wúyǔ
to not speak; to be speechless
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
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Notes: (Guoyu '無語')
Contained in
- 白鸟多情留我住 青山无语看人忙(白鳥多情留我住 青山無語看人忙) Passionate voices of snowy birds urging my stay; Silent witnesses of a busy world, the green mountains.
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Chapter 3: Unbounded Creativity - There are no Words to ask about the Heavens 卷三 創意無限 ■無語問蒼天 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 8 - The World's Energy 《人間萬事8-人間的能源》 — count: 4
- Shi Poetry - Pentasyllabic 詩 ■五言 Buddhism Series 9 - Art and Literature 《佛教叢書9-藝文》 — count: 2
- Section 1 India - Chapter 6: A Buddhist Wheel Turning King 第一篇 印度篇 第六章 佛教的轉輪聖王 Buddhism Series 5 - Buddhist History 《佛教叢書5-教史》 — count: 1
- Dharma Words - Other 法語 ■其它 Buddhism Series 9 - Art and Literature 《佛教叢書9-藝文》 — count: 1
- Mainland Buddhism Elder Monastic Models 大陸佛教長老的風範 Buddhist Affinities over a Century 7 - A Monastic's Faith 1 《百年佛緣7-僧信篇1》 — count: 1
- Lecture 13: Buddhist Phrases and Idioms 第十三講.佛教成語 One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 3: Activities at Places of Practice 《僧事百講3-道場行事》 — count: 1
- One body sees all - Part 18 [Lecture] 如來遍觀眾生心性分第十八 【講話】 Lectures on the Diamond Sutra 《金剛經講話》 — count: 1
- Penetrating Space 無孔不入 Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 8 - Where do Blessings Come From? 《迷悟之間(八)福報哪裡來》 — count: 1
- Wandering 流 轉 Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 11 - The Philosophy of Success 《迷悟之間(十一)成功的理念》 — count: 1
- Chapter 2: Challenging Limits - Disasters 卷二 挑戰極限 ■災情 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 8 - The World's Energy 《人間萬事8-人間的能源》 — count: 1
- 无语问 (無語問) 無語問蒼天 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 10 - Management Trilogy 《迷悟之間(十)管理三部曲》, What Is Under Heaven Is For All 天下為公 — count: 10
- 默然无语 (默然無語) 默然無語 — One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 3: Activities at Places of Practice 《僧事百講3-道場行事》, Lecture 13: Buddhist Phrases and Idioms 第十三講.佛教成語 — count: 5
- 低头无语 (低頭無語) 把幾個新來的丫鬟嚇得低頭無語 — National Master Yulin 《玉琳國師》, 11. When Cut with a Golden Knife, a Woman's Hair Grows 十一.金刀剃下娘生髮 — count: 2